
Featuring The Ecclestones— A Replica Hermes Rant

I know I am not the fashion police, and even as much as I love to judge others (especially celebrities) on what they wear, how they wear it, and who they’re wearing, I understand that I am not the style messiah. I just wanted to preface my post with that statement because there is going to be a lot of harsh judgement in the next paragraph or two. Sure, I agree that those who live in glass houses should throw stones, but I assure you, celebrities (or heiresses that are only famous for their expensive designer clothing?) are in the media to be judged, especial if they are carrying designer handbags, like Birkin Hermes bags.

Enter Petra and Tamera Ecclestone. You may have read about them in the past on this blog, and even though I have written about them, I still am not quite sure why they are worth writing about. Okay, I DO know, to some degree, that it is basically because they have an amazing Hermes bag collection, but I think that is where the buck stops. So, if they are heiresses to a fortune, and can have any designer look that they want, why the heck are they dressed like this!? Sure, not everyone has to be drowning in diamonds or wearing a red carpet gown all the time, but at least look like you tried a little bit when you leave the house, especially if you’re wearing a Birkin on your arm!

Ahem. Okay, I might have started to rant a little bit. I apologize. To make it up to you all, I have got a treat! You really don’t have to be a wealthy heiress to get your hands on an Hermes Birkin bag. How? Hermes replica handbags are designed for those of us who live modestly to be able to carry the designer bags that we crave. 爱马仕Birkin包,Birkin包,爱马仕手袋,名牌包,BIRKIN,爱马仕

